by Dr.Manuel Tejeda | Featured, Translations
It’s no secret that the complex environment of marketing and communication requires respecting its specific rules and adapting, creatively and carefully, what we’ve learned from other fields. If your website requires translation into another language,...
by Dr.Manuel Tejeda | Advertising
As the Hispanic or Latino population continues to grow and assert its influence in the United States, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to engage this vibrant and diverse audience effectively. Spanish-language media and digital platforms present an...
by Dr.Manuel Tejeda | Branding
We’re often asked, “Where do I start to be successful online?” The answer is always the same: “Start by creating your digital brand.” Make sure your company name, identity, and brand can be found, understood, differentiated from the...
by Dr.Manuel Tejeda | Hispanics U.S.
As the United States continues to embrace its rich tapestry of diverse cultures, one segment that stands out for its sheer size, growth potential, and economic impact is the Hispanic Market (also known as the Latin Market, Latino Market, or, put, Hispanics or...